Friday, January 2, 2009

Of Sewer Rat Eschatology

Genesis 4:9-16

9 Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”
“I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

10 The LORD said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. 11 Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12 When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”

13 Cain said to the LORD, “My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”

15 But the LORD said to him, “Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. 16 So Cain went out from the LORD’s presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

The jews were cursed by God because they did sodomy. Cain killed “able” or the part of himself that had ability or gives Human Beings the quality of being able to do things at all. Able was a shepherd (easily understood to represent Christ or a Natural/Supernatural Human Being), while Cain “worked the soil” (no doubt a reference to the Pharisees doing sodomy). Or so the Pharisees wrote, in an attempt to ensure their survival and rule in the diasporic space of the terrorist state-of-israel, Hades on Earth (1).

Having committed sodomy, the violation of the sexual essence, heterosexual of course, of Humanity, the jews were committed to Hades. Hades, or had an afterlife, is a place where the state of being is just neurological states that others had. There is no ability to do anything, and all there are undead zombies, and unable to die. All there is are the 5, or F-I-V-E, terrorist psychopathologically mental neural states-of-affairs that those in Hades endure (2). And they endure these states memor-ex, or minus any memory. All there is are networked undead shit-for-brains in neurological states of horror specifically TIVOed by Tel-Aviv RAM BAM Rambus DRAM ROM.

The jews and others of judaism (the many sects of judaism such as Fundamentalists and Evangelicals, Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, Hare Krishnas and the Church of Satan, Herbalife and Mary Kay Cosmetics, Providence Service Corporation and Jews for Jesus, and NAMbLA, Church of Scientology and AMWAY, etc., etc.) are attempting to destroy the Earth and render Her into a “Lost World” of Jaws/Jurassic Park terror and horror. But if those of Hades want to escape the underworld, then why would they want to destroy the Earth?

The jews have schemed the fiction that they allied themselves with extra-terrestrial aliens who want to colonize the Earth, but live “above” the Earth in a high-tech “internet” world-wide-web Hades “heaven.” There are two “aliens” that are here one the Earth. They are said to be “alien” “intelligences” that were placed in jew fetuses to be “naturalized” by being born on the Earth, and to save the jews from Hades. They are Condoleezza Rice and Ari Fleisher.

Ari Fleisher has now taken the “shell” body of Barack Obama, and Condoleezza Rice is “in” Mi-chelle Obama or my shell or body is that of a woman, but I am a man, Mi, as a “be lack” female. In addition, Barack Obama has the transsexual identity of the porn star Jake Steed, and Condoleezza Rice that of the porno starlet Inari Vachs; and they made over 300 movies, many together, in the late 1990’s, in a nerdy and retarded attempt to “naturalize” homosexuality via “performances” of abominable sex acts.

Both Fleisher and Rice are actually just “reborn” from Hades sodomites, and are artificial intelligence airheads that are run by the Pharisees. The Obama’s “mixed race” backgrounds and marriage are a trope and a vehicle that are meant to institutionalize the “colonization of Earth” with the establishment of a high-tech Hades “stratosphere” and the repopulation of the Earth with “mixed-race” alien-sodomites. The marriage of outer space and the underworld. The promised land. Out of egypto, how low can you go.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are a “kouros” boy and girl couple. That is, they are sodomite “Plato” boys reborn from Hades (their “minds” put into the babies brains) with Bill deemed to be a boy and Hillary a “girl” and it was arranged they be a couple. McCain is a retard who is meant as an inversion (3) of an Irish or Irish American person, who jews found to be especially tough and stubborn “Micks”, like Jack Dempsey, Billy Conn, Audey Murphy, and Detective Callahan. It is hoped that there will be a “reign of McCain.” See:
But how can there be a “reign of McCain” with the loss of the election by McCain?

Well, I believe that McCain losing to Obama has a meaning to the sodomites, that the McCains will be a part of the “Lost World.” With Hillary selected as “vice” president, as the secret-tear-y of the press the secret-tear-y of the terrorist state-of-israel, the kouros schmucks are promised an escape from the horrors of the “Lost World” by taking over the Earth, because it is planned that the Earth replace the old Hades underworld.

Michelle Obama seems to have given the kouros sodomites some confidence that the aliens will not turn on them, that this time it isn’t another rip-off, that herbalife is a meal replacement. The sodomites escape into the high-tech Hades of the stratosphere and torment the Earth, or so is their audacious hope. I believe the Pharisees, using Barack Obama, want to replace the Ram Bam, Moses Maimonides, as the “terminator” tormentor – Pain Holes! Suck it up!, Get ‘em Choppin’, Pucks! — of the kouros sodomites; or at least they told the jews of judaism this, to keep the MLM terror and horror going.

Hillary, whose husband Bill had a “vice” president named Al Gore, which means that the jews want vices to be and to be punished, “all gore”, including having slashings with box cutters and razor blades integrated into the DRAM horrors, will be selected by Obama to be secret-tear-y of state of the Obama “administration” of the terrorist state-of-israel, of which Fleisher was chosen to be the “press” secret-tear-y, by first being the Press Secretary of the Bush "administration" of the terrorist state-of-israel, to increase and expedite the prosecution of terrorism worldwide with 9/11, al Qaeda, homo-sexual-cide and IED bombings, etc., etc. Hillary “Duff” Clinton wants to orchestrate the administration of these “vice” horrors, faith and annihilation, even as s/he duh… cognizes they are to supervene upon he/r.

As you can see, each of the candidates, including McCain, are part of the same w/hole. We might get some notion of what is the “goal” of the reign from the book of Genesis, chaper 4, verses 23 and 24:

23 Lamech said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear my words.
I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me.
24 If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times.”

The McCains (4) are most likely meant to replace the jews as the cursed “race” on the Earth (I believe the Irish are God’s chosen people). It was most likely planned that the McCains would be made to suffer the 77x supervenience of 666 RAM BAM DRAM horrors. Not that the Bill and Hillary Duh Duff Hilljacks escape, no one does. Once you enter into the high-tech Hades, no one knows who anyone is, except the Pharisees; and the ssshhh hell s/hell games begin to grind up those evicted from the ground.

And of course there is no escape from the old Hades, whose “margin calls” on the jews only multiply and remultiply, even as the jews scarf coprophagia fortnightly. Barf Mitzvah Roshashana. Hanukah Shoshana Lonstein Julia Louis-Dreyfus Dreyfus Affair Gaghole Gajda Gargle Gaggle Passover Anne Frank Aliza Shvartz Auschwitz Feck Puck schmucks.

The search is over, the future sum was only process, not product: the production of destruction, of amor fati self-immolation with all of its chaos, flux, and indeterminacy. The ram bam ravings of manichean opposition self-mutilation and the organized chaos of the ram bam hassenhasslichenhoffnungsfunkenheitenholle fuehrer princip, arbeit-macht-frei.

Evil for evil.

Sad, sad Sadducees… and wild, wild, West.

“The rats are underneath the piles/ The Jew is underneath the lot” — T. S. Eliot

Patrick M. Griffin


(1). Hence the ludicrous account in Genesis 18: 16-33, no doubt written by the Pharisees, where Abraham haggles not so much for the saving of Sodom and Gemorrah as for the secure future of jewish diasporic sodomy worldwide. For an excellent account of jewish hatred for farmers, see "The Church and Farming", by Rev. Dennis Fahey. Here is a summary of the book: In an earlier book, The Rulers of Russia and the Russian Farmers, Fr. Fahey showed that the application of Marx's philosophy to farming in Russia has provided one of the greatest crops of human misery and suffering that the world has ever known. In this book he sets forth the connection between the erroneous philosophies of Descartes and Locke, and the evils we deplore in regard to food, health farming and family life. Locke's liberalism, by erecting each section of human activity into a separate domain with its own autonomous end and completely independent of the final end of man as a member of Christ, has resulted in the domination of society by those who create and manipulate money, and in the disintegration of the organic unity of society based ultimately on membership of Our Lord's Mystical Body. Food is sectioned for gain, work is drastically affected and family life is broken up. Contains a beautiful elocution of Pope Pius XII in which he applies to farming the supernatural principles of human solidarity in the Mystical Body of Christ.

(2). Those in Hades are F-ed in a “two-two” or “tu tu” FIV - E; which as you can see never ends. The “tu tu” is of course homosexuality. RAM BAMs ram the undead of Hades and then all in Hades suffer these reamings, each according to the “organized chaos” TIVO of which they are found guilty, which is often arbitrary and the jibberish/nonsense thunk of Babel babble. The movie “Things To Do In Denver When Your Dead” is an attempt to represent Hades.

(3). in•ver•sion Pronunciation: \in-ˈvər-zhən, -shən\
noun Date:1586
1: a reversal of position, order, form, or relationship: as a (1): a change in normal word order; especially : the placement of a verb before its subject (2): the process or result of changing or reversing the relative positions of the notes of a musical interval, chord, or phrase b: the condition of being turned inward or inside out c: a breaking off of a chromosome section and its subsequent reattachment in inverted position; also : a chromosomal section that has undergone this process 2: the act or process of inverting3 a: a change in the order of the terms of a mathematical proportion effected by inverting each ratio b: the operation of forming the inverse of a magnitude, a function, an operation, or an element4 a: the conversion of dextrorotatory sucrose into a levorotatory mixture of glucose and fructose b: a change from one stereochemical figuration at a chiral center in a usually organic molecule to the opposite configuration that is brought about by a reaction in which a substitution of one group is made for a different group5: homosexuality6: an increase of temperature with height through a layer of air

For a recent example of the jewish hatred of Irish People, see the 1992 Seinfeld episode "The Limo":

(4). Note that McCain is a Scottish name. Scotland is used by the jews to indicate a zombie that is from Hades that is a cos bos, a rectum, anus and large intestine sodomite whore who has to "be" that hole, the colon, like Colin Powell: by being sadistically reamed and torn, and by suffering enormous problems of defecation, constipation, flatulence, etc. Typically their rectums and anuses are "dug out" in Hades. Angela Scott, Bill Clinton's malakoi bitch, is just such an abomination. It was meant to be an "angel" from Hades for all the malakoi, to take upon itself, similar to Colin Powell, all the soreness of Hades, scott. However, the kouros insurrection that it attempted in the summer of 1990 was quickly brought to an end when Scott did a DP scene with Michael and Kirk Douglas in late 1992. Scott Swindle. How was it such a schmuck? It and Bill Clinton sold out the "revolution" when the jews offered the presidency. Didn't you ever wonder why Perot suddenly ran in 1992? Because the jews wanted Clinton to win. Gampy, long the pederast sadist master of the malakoi George W. -- Jeb was with Mama, but it is unclear if Bar was sadistic -- was of course in on this scheme, a scheme which continues today with Fleisher and Rice as Barack and Michelle Obama.

For those who don't know, Kirk Douglas, the star of the 1959 movie "Spartacus", was the false leader of a Kouros boy and girl revolt, in which Kouros schmucks sealed their fate in Hades by again doing sodomy on the Earth. How was the jew Douglas, born Issur Danielovitcha, misunderstood by the Kouros schmucks? Douglas is a scottish name. Spartacus was a gladiator slave in the Roman Empire who revolted, while the Spartans were a People who lived in Greek times, fighting in alliance with the Greeks against the Persians -- remember the Persians taught the Pharisees manicheism -- and famous for bravery. In no way would Spartacus or any Spartan have ever had anything but hatred for the sodomites. Still, the malakoi, jew and greek alike, bet on Kirk and Michael "Milli Vanilli" Douglas to be their "amor fati" destiny and salvation. This is a clear indication that the malakoi units, just like the others of judaism, are Babel babble bots who are networked and acted in retarded plots. Why do the Pharisees find this amusing? It keeps the terror and horror going.

How was this ever sold to those of DC? i.e. think tanks, Universities, etc. With the end of the cold war and the fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification on October 3, 1990, ZOG DC went looking for globalization of the terrorist state-of-israel. The malakoi bitch Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama, a student of the notorious jew sodomite Alan Bloom -- who in 2000 wrote a novel based on its sodomy with its homosexual colleague Saul Bellow titled Ravelstein -- wrote The End of History and the Last Man, a 1992 book expanding on its 1989 essay "The End of History?", published in the international affairs journal The National Interest. In the book, Fukuyama argues that the advent of Western liberal democracy may signal the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and the final form of human government. What the book was really trying to legitimate was the spreading of the jew diasporic pathogen sodomy, which is currently being done with the "transformational diplomacy" of Condoleezza Rice. Recent examples of this "diplomacy"? Rice has (1) pushed for US support of an Israeli strike on Iran (2) set up a future war with Russia with the jew orchestrated violence -- Mikheil Saakashvili and Grigol Mgaloblishvili are both, like most jews in Israel, Kazar jews -- against South Ossetia, and the call for Georgia to enter into NATO, and (3) is pushing for a war by India on Pakistan.


The star of the movie, Mike Myers, is another "shell" of the rambam, Moses Maimonides, the "rabbi of all rabbis", who is actually a Pharisee puppet used to place the Pharisees in manichean opposition to the rest of judaism, and who is the sadistic pederast of Kirk and Michael Douglas.

In the movie, Myers plays the part of Charlie McKenzie, who falls in love with a "woman" name Harriet -- who is played by Nancy Travis, a reborn out of Hades jew whose portal was a "family" that was pretending to be Catholic -- who works at a butcher shop and may be a serial killer. Remember that Fleisher means "butcher" in Yiddish.

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